Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic for the safety of our staff and customers, effective immediately we require all applicants who wish to have a Livescan performed at our location, to wear a face mask or any form of face covering per the CDC guidelines before entering our location. Thank you for your cooperation during these difficult times.
Mail and Parcels Plus is certified and approved by the Department of Justice to provide Live Scan Fingerprinting Services within California. Livescan is a quick and easy way to provide your fingerprints that are necessary to obtain a job or satisfy State requirements.
LiveScan digitally scans and captures your fingerprints, then immediately transmits them electronically to the State Department of Justice in Sacramento.
Below is a list of items that you should bring with you for your appointment –
You MUST have a Request for Live Scan Services Form – this is provided to you by the requesting agency along with any instructions, since different forms are used.
A VALID and CURRENT government-issued photo ID (e.g. CA DMV Driver’s License or ID, Passport, Military ID, Alien Registration Card/Green Card Photo ID). Note: Expired ID information cannot be accepted.
You must be physically present in California – you must not be outside the state. LiveScan services are not available for individuals needing Live Scan fingerprinting for other states.
Under the California Department of Justice regulations, we are not able to assist applicants in filling out their Request for LiveScan Service form. If your information is incomplete or you have a question, we must refer you back to your employment or licensing agency.
If you have any questions or would like to make an appt – please call 619.470.4008.
We charge a $25 fingerprint rolling fee for each Live Scan.
Government fees are also required for the State (DOJ) and Federal (FBI) level criminal history record checks. Additional fees may also be required (e.g., license or certification fees). For a list of current fee charges, please go to Applicant Fingerprint Processing Fee.pdf
Please feel free to give us a call at 619.470.4008 and we can give you the total cost for your specific live scan request if yours is not listed.